Saturday, November 20, 2010


So I spent the last month studying vocab for the GRES. Here's a report on how they went.

3:20 am
I wake up, feeling terribly nauseous. Arg. Run to the bathroom and start puking. I really shouldn't have eaten that burger last night.

5:30 am
Wake up, sure that it's time to get up and go. Realize I have a fever and pop a couple pills.

7:00 am
Wake up, eat a strong breakfast of bananas and off to the testing center.

9:00 am
The test instructions are supposed to start

9:07 am
The other test taker shows up

9:10 am
It becomes apparent that the other test taker doesn't understand the directions for filling out the registration sheet.

10:10 am
We're almost done with registration, ready to start the essay!

10:55 am
My hand goes on strike! The advantages of the computer based test seem pretty relevant at the moment.

11:45 pm
Last essay almost down, hand cramping like a fiend.

1:30 pm
Two testing sessions down, two to go! Starting to feel a bit 'floaty' but that might just be concentrating for so long.

3:00 pm
I'm free!

3:25 pm
Back at the transit house, lay down for a quick nap

9:00 pm
Wake up from said 'nap'

The next day I get the results back from my test checking for parasites. I managed to get two kinds - Entameba coli and Blastocystic hominis! Now I feel like a real Peace Corps Volunteer!

Still waiting for the more important test results... they should be coming after New Years sometime.