Saturday, November 7, 2009

Swear In

August 25th, 2009

We sat in the first two rows, under the reaches of the branches from the several large trees in the courtyard, their branches and leaves outlined against the night sky. Surrounding us in the US embassy courtyard were hundreds of people. Host family parents, trainers, Peace Corps staff and admin, other volunteers and embassy officials made up most of the crowd. Tonight was the night that we had been working toward for the last three months, tonight was the night that we would officially become Peace Corps volunteers and officially start our two years of service.

Several of our group had given speeches in as many different languages, French, Jula, Moore, Fulfude, and others but now the speaker was the top-ranking embassy official, who was speaking to us in perfect French. Near the end of the speech he switched to English and addressed us directly. He said that there were many reasons why were where all here but that found in each of us was a form of idealism. I think he was right. Then it was time.

“I, Bovard Tiberi, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, domestic and foreign, that I take this obligation freely, and without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge my duties in the Peace Corps, so help me God.”

And with that officially began my life for the next two years as a Peace Corps volunteer.

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